The Hubs brought COVID home in 2021. Back then, the whole house had to isolate for ten days. The Bun and I managed to avoid the pesky virus.

purple cartoon of covid-19 virus image sourced from Canva

Guess who brought it home, again? We figured it was just a head cold. Ha! After testing positive, The Bun and I tried to avoid him. It was too late. On Friday the 13th (the irony is not lost on me) we tested positive. I immediately contacted the doctor and they sent in a prescription for Paxlovid. Can we say COVID party in the house?

My dose of Paxlovid was higher than The Hubs. I think it’s because he began on day three of symptoms whereas I began mine on day one. And before I continue with my story, I believe it was worth taking it.

wide open mouth with green stink coming from the tongue image sourced from Canva

Did you know that there are side effects to Paxlovid? I sure didn’t! Shortly after taking the first dose, it was as if I chug-a-lugged a mug full of metal with a stank chaser. It was awful. This is where not losing my sense of taste was a mixed blessing. As you got closer to your next dose, that taste in your mouth wore off. That was nasty.

The second one is called Rebound Covid. Around 20% of humans who take Paxlovid will have it. Guess who became part of the lucky 20%? Of course, The Hubs didn’t! The second time around, the symptoms are milder. I had to isolate for another five days. Because everyone else had recovered from COVID, I stayed in the bedroom and only emerged when fully masked.

Rebound COVID had perfect timing. The weather was and is warmer than normal. The windows are open letting all that fresh air blow the Covidies out.

All in all, spending my days naked during the rebound was nice. Why bother with clothes when you are alone in the boudoir snuggled under blankies, snoozing, and binge-watching shows? I’m grateful symptoms were mild both times, too.

smiley emoji wearing a mask image sourced from CanvaI return to work on Monday and must wear a mask, again. I’m going to keep testing because of Dad and the company of fellow elders he hangs out with. Both my parental units have avoided contracting it and I hope it stays that way. Dad had to test four days in a row to make sure he didn’t have it when this mess started.  That makes my nose twitch just thinking about it!

That’s all the exciting news I have for this week.

Wishing you Hogs, Fishes & Warm Wishes,

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